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DIY Professional Skin Treatments: Are They Safe and Effective?

Updated: Feb 22

Girl performing DIY skin treatment
photo credit: Canva

As the beauty industry continues to expand, it's no surprise that more and more individuals are exploring the world of professional skin treatments. From chemical peels and laser resurfacing treatments to micro-needling and LED light therapy, experts offer an array of treatments to help achieve clear and radiant skin. However, when the pandemic hit & you couldn't go into your salons or spas, social media drove the DIY professional skin treatments. But the question remains, should you try them at home? Are they safe and effective?

In short, dermatologists and estheticians both agree that it is best to leave certain treatments to the professionals. While some DIY treatments are safe, others can cause more harm than good. Ruining your skin to save a few dollars could be costly in the long run. Professionals have extensive knowledge, can diagnose, and have a better understanding of your skin than what you may know. They can also recommend the best treatment plan for your specific needs and monitor your progress.

Before delving into the world of DIY professional skin treatments, it's essential to understand what treatments one should leave to the professionals. Chemical peels and laser treatments are among the top treatments one should avoid and leave to the pros. These treatments require specific tools, equipment, and expertise that should only be performed in a clinical setting. Furthermore, these treatments can cause severe side effects, including burns, scarring, and hyperpigmentation. Micro-needling is another treatment that should only be done by a trained professional.

However, there are a few DIY treatments that estheticians and acne specialists Regina Hilton recommend for at-home use. Dermarolling is one such treatment. This treatment involves rolling tiny needles over the skin to create micro-injuries. It helps to increase collagen production, reduce signs of aging, and improve product penetration. It's best to start with a low-grade needle size and slowly build up to a higher grade over time.

Light glycolic or alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) beta peels are another safe option for at-home use. These treatments exfoliate the skin, revealing smoother, brighter, and healthier skin. However, it's essential to follow the instructions carefully and use the right concentration to avoid irritation or damage to the skin.

Microcurrent and LED light therapy devices are also great for daily at-home use. Microcurrent devices use low-level electrical currents to stimulate the muscles of the face and neck, resulting in firmer, more toned skin. LED light therapy, on the other hand, uses different wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and treat various skin concerns such as acne, fine lines, and wrinkles.

When it comes to choosing the right at-home treatment product, it's essential to do your research and choose a reputable brand. Look for products that use safe and effective ingredients that are suitable for your skin type. Also, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and use the products as recommended to avoid skin irritation or damage.

In conclusion, DIY professional skin treatments are an excellent option for maintaining healthy skin between professional treatments or if you can't visit a skincare professional. However, it's crucial to understand what treatments are safe and effective for at-home use and what treatments should be left to the professionals. Dermarolling, light peels, and microcurrent and LED light therapy are some DIY treatments that are generally safe for at-home use. However, it's always advisable to seek the advice of a professional before trying a new treatment. Remember, your skin is your largest organ, and it's crucial to take good care of it to maintain its health and radiance.


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